Dating and Waiting
Dating can be an amazing adventure...Dating in your thirties can be a horror story! But one I can turn into a comedy :)
I am in my thirties, and have been divorced for almost seven years; now I feel as though I am back in high school, while I yet again embarq upon the wonderful world of dating and seeking after prince charming. I got the toad the first matter how many times I kissed him...I got nothin'...not a prince, not a knight, not even an ogre. Just a toad with a big croak! I have found that the fairy tales have really led me astray, and I would like to share my findings and fortunes...or more like unfortante adventures with you.

Yet in all this....I do still believe in the power of love. I still seek after a passionate romance, and a genuine deep love that can outshine and outlast all...and I still believe in the impossible!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Prince Charming & Pop Cans

Now...first of all let me clear something up for my southern friends, pop is what YA'LL call SODA. LOL.

Now I was thinking...scary I know...and it is even scarier when I am home alone with no boys and nothing to mind really goes crazy in the silence. LOL.

I was thinking about what it would actually be like to be married again. My mind constantly is in fairy-tale mode I think, and today I am beginning to worry what will it be like when things get changed to the the reality T.V. show channel?

Will it be all romance, and fire, and sweeping me off my feet? will probably be a lot of sweeping that is for sure...sweeping up after a man's mess...that is not what I have in mind for a

No, really...I am worried about meeting someone at this age; see I think when you get married young you have all that time to learn and grow together...see I am afraid because I know more about what I want now, and what I don't want, and I won't be able to find that.

Will prince charming come along, marry me, and then start leaving pop cans all over the house...that would seriously annoy me. I mean, I am in my thirties so he should be a grown man...well unless I do the cougar thing and marry Taylor Lautner or Zac Efron...OH YEAH! But, anyways...where was I? a little sidetracked on those thoughts for a minute...yes. Seriously, you're a grown man, pick up the pop cans what I'd be sayin'. Now, see I don't have too many annoying things that anyone has to worry about...ha ha ha....except for the humming. I love to hum (and sing a lot) but I, according to my wonderful friends that I play Cranium with...I cannot hum very I guess someone would just have to deal with that...I do make a lot of noises...and NO my lovely friends and family who know me well, this is not where you insert your comments!

In all seriousness...I am just worried about meeting someone and coming together and working through differences at my age in life...

And, my single friends and I talk about this a lot...I don't want to settle...I mean I settled the first time... the only thing my ex-husband had on my list of requirements for a husband was--a heartbeat. He was not a christian...I learned the hard way what I already knew and somehow thought would change...NEVER MARRY SOMEONE WITHOUT THE SAME FAITH AS YOU!! But I know what I want now. And what I deserve. I want a man of God. A man who loves God and has a personal relationship with Jesus. And a man that will love my boys like his own. Those two things I will not settle on. Now...a man that can sing and play guitar, and who will take me to Italy; that would be a major make me happy bonus!

I just have all these fears about meeting someone and marriage. Will I fall too fast for the wrong one out of loneliness and desperation? I guess you could read my list of "You Know You're Lonely If:" and you may see you need to pray with me on that

What will it be like with him and my boys? How will I feel when he disciplines them?
Will he lay awake with me late and talk and laugh and enjoy our quiet time together like I want?
Will it feel amazing in his arms like I have been longing for?
Will we be able to get through bad days at work?
God, please, please will the sex be amazing? Sorry...had to throw that in there...
Will he make me laugh a lot? I love to laugh and so do my boys and I want laughter to always fill our home.
Will we really be happy? The sad reality is that I see far too many marriages that are being destroyed by the Devil daily and I am tired of it!! That is one thing that I do often when I get really lonely....I take all my emotions and turn it to good and pray for the marriages of those I love to be restored to a marriage the way God intended!! I am believing in Jesus name for love, passion, joy, and peace to be restored in all the marriages of those I know! For laughter and passion to be in the eyes of each spouse as they look lovingly into the eyes of their mate. For communication to always be open and honest and positive...even in hard times, may they always uplift and encourage each other! And of course...may the passion always be hot! Marriage was created by God an may God be in the center of all marriages again.

Guess I have a lot on my mind....
But as I was pondering upon all the what-if's of what it will be like...the verse that I have at the top of this blog came to mind. "BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING......AND THE PEACE OF GOD WILL GUARD YOUR HEART AND MIND IN CHRIST JESUS"
Amen and thank you God because I know bottom spite of my pop can prince charming will all be amazing if I wait on You and all you have for me.
And...I believe it is actually a great thing that I do know what I want. Knowing that will help me not to settle this time. Also having the confidence that God has been establishing in my life over these last six years will allow me not only to look for all God has to offer, but to actually accept it and know that I am His child and worthy of His abundant blessings. God is good. His Prince Charming will be far more than my over-active mind could ever imagine...and we will live happily ever after.

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